We had a great trip to Colorado after Christmas. Shanna
really wanted to see some snow. (Poor kid, we used to tease kids who never saw snow when we were growing up.) So, her Grandad and Grandma Tiller took us up past Estes Park where she and her cousin Camron got to sled for a while. Her Nana also took her ice skating which she
loved. Kaci had fun being danger woman at the stairs of all 3 Grandparent's houses. She was only successful once in diving down them.
It is nice to get back to our normal schedule. Shanna goes to school in the morning and is getting really good at reading. She is learning how to tell time and how to count by 5. She dances twice a week. I have a babysitter come every Tuesday and usually go to the gym. It is nice to have a break! Tyler plays racquetball three times a week in the mornings and is building out a new office space. Kaci now has enough hair for a
little ponytail on the top of her head. She'll get a hairbrush and a hair band and come to find me to put it in for her. Then, she wants to admire it in her hair! She also loves to dress up. When Shanna comes home from school, they will disappear and come out a few minutes later looking lovely. She is pretty tolerant to let her sister dress her up!

I changed their rooms around and combined them into one room. Then, I turned the other room into a playroom. It has been working really well. I'm trying to decide how I am going to paint and decorate them now. It has been a fun project.
We have been having a blast with our putting green. Even Kaci likes to play. Tyler and I have a game that we play out there, and of course he always wins. But, I think I am getting a little bit better. I am going to have to practice while he is at work, and then surprise him with a loss some day soon!