I stumbled upon a blog yesterday about a family that was due to have a baby about the same time as we are. They found problems with the baby at their routine ultrasound and she had the baby a few weeks ago. The baby lived for only a few hours. It impressed me so much how this woman has handled what was given to her with such grace and beauty. They took beautiful portraits at the hospital with her other girls and the baby. These will be their only family pictures with this baby in them, and somehow they pulled themselves together enough to make the pictures beautiful and the moment happy and memorable. I asked myself if I would have been able to do that. I know with the losses I have experienced how crushed and defeated I have felt. I would only hope to have the strength and grace that this family did. They say God doesn't give you more than you can handle, I guess this woman is extra special to have been trusted to handle what she has had to endure. It is amazing how many people must have been touched by this one little baby who's little body couldn't make it in this world.
So, after reading their story I started to reflect on my blessings. I can't believe that I have been blessed already with two beautiful, smart girls who show me unconditional love every day. Their smiles are like sunshines from heaven and even when I am not as patient as I should be with them, they still choose to love me and admire me. I am so lucky to have found Tyler, who treats me like a queen and our girls like princesses. His optimism and energy give me the fuel to make it through my day. No matter how busy he is, he always takes the time to find out how my day is going, and always makes me feel so loved and special. Then I think of this little miracle inside of me. It is amazing to visualize her in there, fully grown, moving around, just waiting for her time to be born. I feel so lucky to be going through this amazing experience again. All of our parents are planning on coming and helping when the baby is born and I feel so lucky to have their love and support.
Life has felt crazy lately and thinking ahead to the next month feels overwhelming. But after reflecting about everything that is right and everything that I am blessed with, I feel renewed with strength and energy.