Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Slave Labor
Well, today, she didn't. She actually wanted me to take a nap. In my cradle.
It is her purpose in life to hold me and make me happy, right?
So, this is what happened next....
First, she made me SIT UP... for a long time. It was hard.
Then she made me do laundry. You all know how much my Mommy HATES to do laundry, right? Well, she hates it so much, I had to help.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
There's A Robot On The Potty
What would you name this picture?
- Potty Protector
- Warning: Don't open the lid
- Seat's Taken
- Look before you sit
Dinner Was Funny
I said "No, we're doing easy tonight."
She said "Can we do hard in the morning?"
She was serious... not trying to be funny. She just wanted to know if she could have Parmesan cheese on her pizza tomorrow!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Creepy Crawly
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Kaci or Sara??
Sitting Up!!
"Man Friend"
She has had a crush on Robyn's son, Jacob on and off since kindergarten. I guess it's on again. She came home from school and said, "guess who likes me?" Without waiting for me to guess, she said "JACOB!"
She said her friend told him at lunch that Shanna likes him, and that he said "YES!" (Her cheeks are all rosy as she is telling me this!)
I asked her if that meant he was her boyfriend now.
She said, "Yeah, I guess... but actually I think of him more as my MAN FRIEND!!!"
What does that mean?? (Other than we are in BIG trouble when she is a teenager!)
Holding Still
I said: Kaci, Hold Still Please
She continued to dance and sing and wiggle.
I said: Kaci, Please Hold Still
She continued to dance and sing and wiggle.
I said Kaci, HOLD STILL (Notice how I lost the politeness in my voice?)
That got her attention a little, and she held still for a few seconds, but then continued to dance and sing and wiggle.
I am not joking even a bit about how she answered that. She looked at me with the sweetest eyes, and in the most serious voice, she said:
The holding still part
I love my kids. I lost every ounce of my bad mood and we laughed together! (She did hold still after that and her hair even turned out cute!)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Fall Cleaning
I have been checking items off of the "to do list" left and right. I have been cleaning, sorting and pitching. (Please don't tell my kids, I have been very sneaky about it, and they haven't noticed one thing gone yet!)
I have been doing at least one big project a day. My closet, bathroom, GARAGE are all done! Last night, I did the unthinkable. I dusted and redecorated the plant shelf in the living room. This might make me never want to show my face again, but in the four years that we have lived here, I have never gotten up there to dust. Yikes.
Next up on the list are the office and the playroom. The playroom gets a trash bag of papers and other junk removed at least once a month. But still, it might be a project that takes several days.
I hate the cleaning and sorting, but I must say how much organized my brain feels after I have completed a room! And everyone is happier when the Mom's brain is organized!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Dinner Funnies
1. We were pet sitting for Robyn. (I think I am just going to start calling her my sister) We walked in and Tyler said:
The fish is dead.
Oh come on... what are the chances that a pet dies when you are pet sitting? One of the other times I was pet sitting, I gave her guinea pigs away. (BTW, she asked me to)
So, I dealt with it. Flush, swish... etc... I even asked if she wanted me to go buy a new one so that her kids wouldn't be devastated.
Well, fast forward to when they got home. We invited her and the kids over to dinner (I was cooking salmon on the grill.)
Her sweet little boy walks in the door and says "where did you do with the fish?"
And I said: "I put it on the grill"
He wasn't talking about the salmon.
Did he eat fish for dinner that night?
2. Tonight at dinner I was sick and tired of Shanna picking at her food. I said the typical Mom thing-that-you're-supposed-to-say-when-your-kids-pick-at-their-food:
"I am not in the mood for this tonight"
Then Kaci said, "Maybe Dad is"
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
"As long as she's not..."
I looked back outside, and sure enough, she was building a zip line!
We peeked through the blinds with our camera, documenting the adventure but ready to run out there the second she started to put Kaci into the seat!
She didn't make it quite that far, she came inside to ask for help with a knot and then told us her plan. We asked if she was really thinking of putting her sister in the seat, and she said that she was, but she would have tested the strength of the zip line with wood chips in the seat first.
I suggested that maybe it could be a zip line for some stuffed animals. She asked if she could paint faces on rocks and use it for "rock people" I said "Sure" (But what I was really thinking was "as long as the zip line doesn't turn into a sling shot!")
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Saturday, September 06, 2008
A Fight For Her Soul
But now that she's here, it is a race to outfit her in the right team colors! I'm wondering how I get the attention of the Patriots so that they would send me free stuff? I think I'll be doing some shopping soon, just in case their package gets lost in the mail. I wouldn't want Tyler to sneak a Peyton Manning shirt on her.
Oh yea, it's that big of a deal!
Friday, September 05, 2008
Date Night
Shanna and Tyler went to dinner and a movie. (Should I be jealous?)
Kaci, Sara and I warmed up some dinner, and then Kaci wanted a bath in my big tub. (She likes to swim in it like it's a swimming pool.) Since Shanna will come home smiling, I had to figure out how to make the night special. So, she got hot cocoa in her bath, with my special sunshine mug. (It's a hands off, "Mommy only" cup.) She is pretty happy, and Sara is happy just being held and fed!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
How Is It September Already?!?
Sara has her first cold. It is so sad. I slept last night sitting up holding her so that she could breathe. It is just a stuffy nose, but for a baby, that's still rough. She's happy as long as I am holding her.
We finished planting the garden for fall... It is going to be a crowded mess again because I can't pick just a few things to grow! We planted lots of herbs,lettuce, beets, peas, beans, pumpkins, squash... And then we still have tomatoes, artichokes and onions and strawberries left from the summer. When the tomatoes are done, I'll start carrots and more onions. I love seeing the new sprouts come up!
It has started to cool off, which I love. I feel like a bear coming out of hibernation when the summer is over here! I can't wait to be outside more!