Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's Begining to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Last night Tyler and I went outside to put some lights up after the kids went to bed. It kind of felt like we were teenagers again, giggling and being outside when it was dark and cold. We didn't last very long because it really was cold, (and we can't stay up like we used to anymore) but the girls should be surprised tonight when we turn the lights on. We still have the icicle lights to put up on the house, but we're getting there!

Shanna woke up a little while ago, hoping to watch some cartoons. When I told her "no", she said "well, I guess I don't have anything to be up for then" and went back to bed. Poor little girl, has nothing except for tv to get up for in the morning. I guess I better go tickle her and get her ready for school.

By the way, I won't have my new cell phone until probably Monday, so if you're trying to call me, that's why I am not answering.

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