Friday, November 28, 2008

Smile!!! (Or Fake It)

What a day... we decided that one of the things we would do (as opposed to the only thing we would do) today was take some pictures of our family. From the start, it was a struggle figuring out what to wear, doing everyone's hair... Sara's feeding and sleeping needs.... FINALLY we all got in the car and started to drive around looking for the perfect place to take pictures. We drove and drove and drove.... all of the sudden from the back seat, Shanna said "My tummy hurts and I'm really hot." (This is the same kid who rides roller coaster after roller coaster right after eating.) The next thing we heard was "I threw up."

Oh yeah... all over.

So, home we went, clothes and shoes went in the washer. We found another outfit and shoes, cleaned up her face and hair... uuuhhhh... Did I mention how afraid I was to have kids because I can't handle it when they throw up???

We found the perfect spot... about 3 blocks from our house. Most of the pictures didn't turn out great because of the shadows of the late afternoon. BUT, we were determined not to give up! There were several moments when Tyler and I looked at each other and laughed like patients at a mental hospital!

Here are some of the pictures (and outtakes of the day.) We had so much fun today we might just try it again tomorrow. Anyone want to come with us???

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