Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Littlest Ballerina

Thanks, Magic Fairy. Your fairy dust worked miracles and Kaci was feeling almost back to herself and was SO excited to have her turn on stage! She was front and center and danced her little heart out! She instructed Tyler on exactly what she wanted him to wear (fancy clothes) when he went on stage to give her flowers. (She requested pink roses and got 2 dozen of them!) She had absolutely zero stage fright and was a little disappointed that it was all over so quick. I had happy proud tears in my eyes as I watched my youngest (not for long though) have her moment to shine.

Shanna danced her tap number, "Hit the Road Jack" and had such a beautiful smile and so much spunk and energy. She is a beautiful girl, and a natural performer. She was such a sweet sister helping Kaci and encouraging her. I am so proud of the love that they share for each other, and both are each other's biggest fans. Kaci kept asking when Shanna was going to be on the stage, and when she finally was, before the music started, she shouted "GO SHANNA!" Shanna was bummed that she had to be backstage while Kaci performed. It was a fun night, and I felt so proud to sit in the audience and watch two beautiful girls dance and smile and shine!

I have pictures to share, (of course) but I can't get them to upload. I'll post them soon!

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