Thursday, September 27, 2007

20,000 Steps!!!

When I got my pedometer, I had the goal of 10,000 steps a day. Most days, I have easily exceeded that number mainly because of my morning walks with my walking buddy, Robyn. Last week, I challenged her to hit 20,000 in a day, thinking it would be hard to do. Well, she hit it twice before I had a chance to think about the extra steps. (Maybe if I wasn't such a sissy and would play volleyball with her, I would have hit it too.) Yesterday, we set out for a big walk and walked to the park, let the kids play for a while, ate lunch and walked home. It was 6.5 miles! Later in the afternoon, I went for an easy bike ride. I ended the day with 24,000 steps! I was feeling so good until this morning Robyn told me that she ended the day with over 28,000 steps. I am thinking I am going to challenge her to hit 30,000. Do you think the kids will mind that we will be gone walking all day? I have almost completed the trail, 2,650 miles! I just need to walk across Washington and cross the border into Canada. Sounds easy, right???

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