After racking our brains for the login/password for our blog, we found it! Has it really been over a year since I updated it? Well, life is busy to say the least. I think I am the only one who reads it anyways, but it is fun to look back and see how the girls have changed.

Shanna started 2nd grade. She has a great teacher and loves to play basketball at recess. She is dancing four afternoons a week which she loves. It is teaching her to be responsible for her things and have all of her gear ready the night before or there is a crazy person known as Mom who is scrambling 10 minutes after we were supposed to leave looking for the left shoe, or the only pair of tights that don't have holes in them. She likes the fun Mom better, so she tries really hard to keep track of her own things.

Kaci is slowly getting used to being the only child during the day. She is so cute when she says she is lonely because Shanna is gone. We try to do "school" activities to keep her busy. She loves to read and play with her babies and stuffed animals. She likes to do puzzles and is learning to write her name. She is in a ballet class once a week. She looks so grown up when she is in her class. She is fully potty trained which is great, I did the happy dance when the Pampers coupons came in the mail today because it reminded me that I don't have to buy them anymore!!

We now have a dog! All Shanna wanted for her birthday was a dog. I think she had in mind a little yappy dog that she could keep in her purse, but if I was going to give in on getting one, I got to have a say in what we got. We got a chocolate lab puppy named Cocoa. We have definitely had issues with him, but he is turning out to be a good dog. He is a good walking buddy, well, that is when he isn't pulling me over. We're working on his "walking manners". (We also lo

ve the book "The Loved Dog") It has really been working for training him! He is an outdoor dog, which helps. Sometimes, one more distraction or mess might just send me over the edge, so it is nice to be selective on when he is around! He does get to come in on the tile when he is on his tie down, since it is so hot outside still. He seems to be appreciative when he is inside like he knows it is a privilege and he better be good or he'll be on the other side of the glass again.
This week Tyler and the girls caught a frog outside on two different nights!They took them out back to our pond and let them loose in the water. Every now and then at night, we'll hear some

croaking. Earlier in the summer, Shanna found a frog at Lowe's and we brought it home, but it was so loud we could hear it croaking when we were inside! It is fun to go outside at night and listen to our waterfall and sounds of nature. After struggling to get it started, the water lettuce and lily pads have taken over the entire surface and we had to thin some out so that we could feed the fish. Somewhere in there we may still have some turtles... I haven't seen them for a while.
What else.... Tyler's softball season ended tonight... it was a disappointing season and team, but of course he had some great hits and plays all season long and loved playing short stop... I have b

een cooking lots and have two great helpers who love to put their aprons on to be "cookers".... I think after 3 years of living in this house, I finally have the garage organized, that feels great.... I am getting ready to plant a fall crop in the garden, the spring crop surprised me and did great! We had a flat tire on the car this week... Cocoa keeps tearing the stuffing out of his toys and beds, and I find myself thinking that the only time I sew any

more is for the DOG.... We have had some amazing storms lately, check out the great picture that Tyler took.....And last but probably the best part of my whole day was when Shanna asked me at bedtime why people on tv like to kiss with their mouths wide open and turn their heads!!
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